We absolutely love Subaru's. We have had 4 now. Our last one had 189,000 miles on it and all we ever had to do was give it oil changes and replace the brakes once! Terrific cars!! So, when we decided to get a new car, of course, it was another Subaru. Now, Jades nails grow at a ridiculous rate! We try to keep them cut, but it is almost impossible to keep up with. Up until now, we never had a problem, other than my arms which look like chopped hamburger most of the time. The new Subaru has been outfitted with the cheapest, lousiest material they could find. I don't know why. They always had beautiful material before that outlasted the car. The Forester has a console which Jade has claimed as her "throne" from which she survey's the world as it passes. She wasn't in the new car 5 minutes before I noticed that there were several holes in the material from her nails. Then I noticed that there were also holes in the door under the window. I was able to make a cover for the console, but I have no idea what we are going to do about the door. Thinking of keeping her off of it is mute. I know that all dogs love to lean out the window and have the wind in thier faces. Doggie heaven! But Jade takes it one step further than any other dog I have ever had, just like she does with anything else. She leans out so far that her face is actually in the front window! I have watched her struggle to stay out there even when we are getting on the interstate and doing 70 miles an hour!!! Most dogs give up at 40 or so, but not Jade! The wind has to try to rip her ears and lips off of her head before she returns to the inside of the car. Even then, she will try a couple more times, just in case the car has slowed down since the last time 40 seconds ago. Then she looks at me with complete disgust and lays down on the back seat and goes to sleep. That is, until she feels the car slow down and then she is up and at it again. If we happen to have all the windows closed and the air or heat on, she figures that her rightful place is in my lap! Now, she weighs 67 pounds. She is not what you would call a "lap dog". You can't tell her that though. I have seen her contort her body in ways that would make a pretzel jealous. I humor her when I am not driving, but trying to tell her that she cannot be in my lap when I am driving has turned into a war of wills. First, she tries bullying her way in. If that doesn't work, she tries the "sneak approach". She can slowly inch her way in without you even realizing it before its too late. Finally, she gives you the "hang dog look". She makes you feel as though you have just destroyed any hope of happiness in her life! She can bring you to tears. I haven't figured out how to make her understand that its a matter of safety. She only knows that her "Mommy" is rejecting her! Its bad enough that when she stands on the console, her "flying nun" ears are directly in my line of sight. As a matter of fact, they have even been known to hang out directly in my eye. I have also been the recipient of a huge wet kiss on the lips when I turn my head to check out whats next to me or to see what I am backing into.
When we bought the car, we were really only going for an oil change. We took her with us, which we do most of the time. We just walk her around while we wait. This time, however, it was very hot out. We were trying to find a shady spot with a breeze, when one of the men came out and told us that they were "pet friendly" and that we could bring her in! I tried to warn them, but they didn't believe me. As is her normal nature, she thought that everyone in the show room had been put there for her to play with. She gets down on her elbows with her butt sticking up in the air, tail wagging like crazy and she begins to bark. Either that or she leaps up on them and almost knocks them off thier feet. Then she tries to tear around the area as fast as her little? paws can carry her or until she comes to the end of her lead and is brought up short and almost choked to death. Of course, everyone thinks she is adorable and incourage her to more antics until my arms are almost torn out of thier sockets. I think that we will leave her home from now on when we go to the dealership. I do have to give them credit though. How many car dealers allow you to bring your dog into the show room? If you are ever in Knoxville Tennessee, be sure to stop in Grayson Subaru and tell them that Jade sent you!