Monday, January 26, 2009

Well, my daughter was here and fixed the problem I had with pictures. So, here are the latest in Jades life. She now had TWO boyfriends!! I wish I had been that popular! These guys actually belong to a neighbor, but come up here at least twice a day to eat and play with Jade. We have named the boxer, Jake and the lab, Bob. We don't know what their real names are. The boxer is as big a chicken and Jade is. He won't come here without Bob and last night, he barked at something, Jade ran into the house and hid behind me and Jake ran home! I went out to see what was happening, expecting a bear, bob cat or something ferocious, but nothing was there. Who knows, Jade will run from a turkey!

Bob always has dirt on his nose! I wonder what he does with it? I would like to see what he looks like without it. Both are just the sweetest boys in the world. Jade goes out every morning and stares up the road, looking to see if they are coming yet. She can't wait for them to get here. Ah, puppy love!